Sunday, March 14, 2010

4E: Escape from Mos Eisley

This spaceport is a haven for gangsters and smugglers, where one can never tell friend from foe…

Map: Mos Eisley (custom, not finished)

Set-Up: Each player completes his squad by selecting 23 or 29 points of characters from his Agent Pool. Before revealing his squad, each player chooses 2 of these characters to be Agents. Before setting up their squads, each side alternately places characters from their Agent Pool on the map until all characters are placed, including their Agents. Characters are placed outside of the start zones and cannot be adjacent to a door. A character’s base color indicates whether to place it inside or outside the Cantina. Other than the Agents, these characters are neutral in all ways. Neutral characters do not activate, move, or make attacks. They cannot be targeted and count as low object terrain.

Victory Conditions: The Rebel player scores points for characters who exit the map, but not for defeating Imperial characters. The game ends when all of the Rebel characters except Agents are defeated or have exited the map. The player with the most points wins.

REBEL/IMPERIAL AGENT: Do not place this character with your squad. Place this character with the Neutral characters before set-up. Use this card to keep your Agent’s identity hidden. This character can be given ‘pass’ activations until you are ready to strike. Once this character is given a non-‘pass’ activation, its card must be turned up.

Rebel /107

Obi-Wan Kenobi /38
Han Solo /28
Chewbacca /24
Luke Skywalker, Rebel /17

Rebel Agent Pool /23

Defel Spy /14
Human Engineer /13
Duros Scoundrel /12
Gonk Power Droid /12
Human Scoundrel /12
Talz Spy /12
BoShek /11
Ithorian Commander /11
ASP-7 /10
Corellian Pirate /10
Abyssin Black Sun Thug /8
Human Scout /8
R4 Astromech Droid /8
R5 Astromech Droid /8
Chadra Fan Pickpocket /7
Duros Explorer /7
Duros Scout /7
Duros Mercenary /6
Ithorian Scout /6
Bith Musician /5 (custom Bith Rebel)
Lirin Car’n /5 (custom Bith Rebel)

Imperial /101

Gotal Imperial Assassin /21
Sandtrooper Officer /20
Shock Trooper /13
Garindan /12
Elite Sandtrooper /11 (custom Elite Stormtrooper)
Sandtrooper x3 /24

Imperial Agent Pool /29

Mercenary Commander /24
Dannik Jerriko /23
Djas Puhr /19
Trandoshan Elite Mercenary /17
Rodian Scoundrel /14
Gotal Mercenary /13
Rodian Blaster-for-Hire /13
Devaronian Bounty Hunter /12
Greedo /12
Shistavanen Pilot /12
Aqualish Spy /11
Jawa on Ronto /11
Dr. Evazan /10
Rodian Trader /10
Gotal Fringer /9
Jawa Trader /9
Ponda Baba /9
Rodian Mercenary /9
Trandoshan Mercenary /9
R7 Astromech Droid /8
Aqualish Assassin /7
Arcona Smuggler /7
Snivvan Fringer /6
Human Blaster-for-Hire /5
Jawa /5

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