Sunday, March 14, 2010

4C: Canyon Ambush

Not willing to give up their prey, the Tusken Raiders have chased Luke and Ben Kenobi to Beggar’s Canyon. The heroes must fight to make it out alive…

Map: Beggar’s Canyon (Mushroom Cavern from D&D)

Set-Up: Luke’s Landspeeder starts at the Canyon Entrance; the Fringe squad starts at the Rock Outcropping.

Victory Conditions: The Fringe squad must defeat Luke’s Landspeeder. Luke’s Landspeeder must exit the map through the squares marked EXIT.

Special Rules: The Fringe squad can respawn any defeated character at the beginning of the next round. During each phase, the Fringe player activates only one character. The Rebel player can pass his turn without activating, and activate during a later phase that round. NOTE: For this scenario, treat Luke’s Landspeeder as a Huge character.

Special Terrain:
Spike Stones: Spike Stones count as low object terrain. When a character enters a square that contains Spike Stones, it takes 10 damage. For Large or Huge characters, this is counted at each step of the character’s movement, not each new square entered.
Quicksand: Quicksand is treated as difficult terrain. Each times a character activates while occupying quicksand, it must make a Save 6 or take 10 damage. For Large or Huge characters, it makes one save regardless of the number of quicksand squares occupied.

Rebel /47

Luke’s Landspeeder /47 (rebased as Huge)

Fringe /49

Tusken Raider on Bantha /22
Tusken Raider Scout /11
Tusken Raider Sniper /8
Tusken Raider x2 /8

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