Wednesday, May 12, 2010

LotR expansion

My Lord of the Rings armies have grown again. I now have Champions for 7 of my 8 armies.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

6G: Final Confrontation

The Emperor’s plans have nearly come to fruition – the Rebels have been brought to the brink of destruction, and Luke Skywalker has been brought before him to take his father’s place as a Sith apprentice. It could all be undone, however, if Luke can defeat Darth Vader without giving in to the Dark Side…

Map: Throne Room (custom, not finished)

Set-Up: Place Palpatine in the area designated for his throne. Vader starts in any adjacent square.
The Rebel squad sets up in the area near the Turbolifts.

Victory Conditions: If Darth Vader is defeated, the Rebel player wins. If Vader defeats Luke, the Empire wins. If Palpatine uses Force Lightning on Luke, Vader immediately becomes a Rebel and opposing to Palpatine, and the Rebel player must defeat the Emperor to win.

Rebel /93
Luke Skywalker, Champion of the Force /49
Yoda of Dagobah /36
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Spirit /8

Imperial /93
Darth Vader, Sith Lord /60
Emperor Palpatine on Throne /33

6F: Death Star Assault

Following the Shield Bunker’s destruction, Rebel forces have discovered a second internal shield protecting the Death Star’s reactor core. As a last desperate gambit, Admiral Ackbar has ordered the fleet to land inside the station and attempt to sabotage the superweapon from within. The Emperor has decided to counter this bold move with one of his own…

Map: Blank 36" x 36" with Death Star tiles (custom, not finished)

Set-Up: Staggered Deployment: Each player selects up to 100 points of characters to start with. Before the beginning of the next round, players place up to another 100 points in their start areas. Before the beginning of the third round, players place the remainder of their squads in their start areas. Each deployment must contain at least one Unique character.

Victory Conditions: The Rebels earn 15 points for each round a Rebel character is in the victory area. The Rebel player must earn 75 victory points this way by the end of the tenth round; otherwise, the Imperials win.

Rebel /300
Lando Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab /23
Mon Mothma /23
Wedge Antilles /22
Admiral Ackbar /21
Rebel Leader /18
Bothan Noble /17
Nien Nunb /17
2-1B /17
Bothan Commando /16
Elite Rebel Commando /16
Ishi Tib Scout /14
Verpine Tech /12
Mon Calamari Mercenary /10
Rebel Pilot x2 /20
Mon Calamari Medic /8
Bothan Spy /7
Elite Rebel Trooper /7
Rebel Trooper x4 /20
Mon Calamari Tech Specialist /4

Imperial /300
Emperor Palpatine /40
Admiral Piett /20
Stormtrooper Commander /15
Imperial Officer x2 /28
Stormtrooper Officer /14
Heavy Stormtrooper x2 /24
Imperial Navy Officer /12
Moff Jerjerrod /12
Star Destroyer Officer /12
Elite Stormtrooper /11
Royal Guard x2 /22
Death Star Gunner /10
Imperial Pilot /8
R4 Astromech Droid /8
R5 Astromech Droid /8
Imperial Navy Trooper /6
Death Star Trooper /5
Imperial Dignitary /5
Stormtrooper x8 /40

6E: The Battle of Endor

Despite an early setback, the Rebels are now prepared to launch an all-out assault on the Shield Bunker. Unfortunately, the Empire has been alerted to their presence and is ready to welcome their surprise guests…

Map: Endor Forest + Shield Bunker from AoE pack

Set-Up: The Rebels set up in the Forest. The Imperials set up in the Shield Bunker start area.

Victory Conditions: The Rebels must enter and destroy the bunker as per the AoE booklet.

Rebel /299
Chewbacca, Wookiee Hero /54 (use AT-ST stats)
Han Solo, Rebel Hero /35
Commando on Speeder Bike /21
C-3PO & R2-D2 /18
Rebel Commando Strike Leader /18
General Crix Madine /16
Rebel Marksman /15
Dresselian Commando /14
Princess Leia, Rebel Hero /14
Rebel Commando x2 /28
Veteran Rebel Commando /14
Logray, Ewok Shaman /12
Rebel Commando Pathfinder /11
Wicket /8
Ewok Hang Glider /7
Ewok Scout /6
Ewok Warrior /5
Ewok /3

Imperial /300
AT-ST x2 /108
Scout Trooper on Speeder /21
Stormtrooper Commander /15
Stormtrooper Officer /14
Shock Trooper /13
Heavy Stormtrooper x2 /24
Imperial Navy Officer /12
501st Legion Stormtrooper /11
Elite Stormtrooper /11
Scout Trooper x5 /40
Imperial Navy Trooper /6
Stormtrooper x5 /25

6D: Ewok Ambush

Accepted as part of the tribe, the Rebels have elicited the aid of the native Ewoks against the Imperial garrison patrolling the area around the Shield Bunker…

Map: Endor Forest (King’s Road from D&D)

Set-Up: Determine sides by initiative. C-3PO sets up in the shared victory area.

Victory Conditions: An Imperial character must end its turn in the Rebel start area, then exit the map through its own exit area. If it does, the Imperial player wins. The Rebel player wins by scoring 100 or more points at the end of a turn.

Rebel /150
Han Solo, Rebel Hero /35
Chewbacca, Rebel Hero /30
Luke Skywalker, Rebel Commando /27
Princess Leia, Rebel Hero /14
Logray, Ewok Shaman /12
R2-D2 /8
Wicket /8
Ewok Scout /6
C-3PO, Ewok Deity /5
Ewok Warrior /5

Imperial /150
Scout Trooper on Speeder Bike /21
Stormtrooper Commander /15
Stormtrooper Officer /14
Shock Trooper /13
Heavy Stormtrooper /12
Scout Trooper x5 /40
Stormtrooper x7 /35

6C: Skirmish at Carkoon

Jabba has sentenced Han Solo and his would-be rescuers to die in the belly of a vast desert beast, the almighty Sarlacc. Luke Skywalker, however, has other plans…

Map: Khetanna (custom, not finished)

Set-Up: The Rebels start on the Execution Skiff. The Fringers start on the Khetanna Deck, except for the Skiff, which starts adjacent to the Barge. Any two Fringers may also start on the Skiff.

Victory Conditions: Each player must defeat all opposing characters.

Rebel /130
Luke Skywalker, Jedi /29
Han Solo, Smuggler /27
Chewbacca /24
Tamtel Skreej (Lando) /23
Princess Leia, Captive /13
R2-D2 /8
C-3PO /6

Fringe /132
Boba Fett, Enforcer /38
Nikto Gunner on Desert Skiff /23
Weequay Leader /13
Klatooinian Hunter /11
Weequay Pirate /0
Gamorrean Guard /9
Klatooinian Enforcer /7
Weequay Thug /6
Human Blaster-for-Hire /5
Nikto Soldier /5
Weequay Mercenary /5

6B: Rancor Attack

In the dungeons beneath Jabba’s Palace, the heroes have broken out of their cells and are preparing to escape. They’ll have to face Boba Fett and the Hutt’s pet Rancor first…

Map: Rancor Dungeon from AoE pack

Set-Up: The Rancor starts in the Rancor Pen. The other Fringe characters start in the Beast Master’s Den. The Rebels start inside the cells in the Slave Pens area.

Victory Conditions: The game ends when a squad has scored 100 or more points at the end of a round. The squad with the most points wins.

Rebel /150
B'omarr Monk /32
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight /27
Han Solo, Smuggler /27
Chewbacca /24
Tamtel Skreej (Lando) /23
Twi'lek Bodyguard /10
Twi'lek Scout /7

Fringe /150
Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter /62
Rancor /33
Gamorrean Thug /14
Gamorrean Guard x2/18
Twi’lek Scoundrel /7
Rancor Wrangler /6 (use Varactyl Wrangler stats)
Nikto Soldier /5
Weequay Mercenary /5

6A: Scoundrel's Rescue

Han Solo’s friends have infiltrated Jabba the Hutt’s palace, Freeing him from the gangster’s vile clutches will prove difficult, even with allies from within Jabba’s ranks…

Map: Jabba’s Palace (custom from Chris Preksta)

Set-Up: For two or four players. In a four player game, players control allied squads.
The Rebel Heroes squad sets up in the Storage area. The Rebel Allies squad sets up in the Droid Disassembly area. The Jabba’s Court squad sets up in the Throne Room. The Fringe Allies squad sets up in the Skiff Garage. The Rancor starts in its Pit and is hostile to all squads. The Rancor doesn’t activate, but will take attacks of opportunity if provoked.

Victory Conditions: The game ends at the end of a round in which Han Solo is thawed. The squad with the most points wins.

Rebel Heroes /114
Leia, Bounty Hunter /26
Chewbacca /24
Tamtel Skreej (Lando) /23
Luke Skywalker, Young Jedi /21
Ishi Tib Scout /14
C-3PO /6

Rebel Allies /112
B'omarr Monk /32
Whiphid Tracker /15
Gonk Power Droid /12
Quarren Assassin /12
Twi'lek Bodyguard /10
Twi'lek Rebel Agent /9
Twi'lek Scout /7
Snivvian Fringer /6
Bith /5
Gran Raider /4

Jabba's Court /113
Jabba the Hutt /20
Rodian Hunt Master /21
Amanin Scout /13
Gamorrean Thug /13
Ephant Mon /11
Gamorrean Guard x2 /18
Bib Fortuna /7
Jawa /5
Nikto Soldier /5

Fringe Allies /113
Boba Fett, Enforcer /38
Trandoshan Elite Mercenary /17
Dengar /15
Quarren Raider /13
Quarren Bounty Hunter /11
Trandoshan Mercenary /9
Twi'lek Scoundrel /7
Ugnaught Demolitionist /3

5I: Escape from Cloud City

Failing to keep Han from Boba Fett’s clutches, the desperate heroes must now fight their way out of the city with the Empire at their heels…

Map: Platform 327 (custom, not finished)

Set-Up: The Rebels set up on one side of the Plaza; the Imperials take the other side.

Special Rules: Central Computer Lockout: Imperial characters can open doors normally. Rebel characters cannot open doors by adjacency; only the Override or Satchel Charge abilities can open doors.

Victory Conditions: The Rebel player scores points by getting his characters onto the Falcon, but not for defeating Imperial characters. The Imperial player scores points for Rebels defeated.

Rebel /145
Chewbacca with C-3PO /31
Luke Skywalker of Dagobah /28
Lando Calrissian, Dashing Scoundrel /18
Princess Leia of Cloud City /14
Human Engineer /13
Cloud Car Pilot /8
R2-D2 /8
Lobot /7
Bespin Guard x3 /15
Ugnaught Demolitionist /3

Imperial /145
Darth Vader, Scourge of the Jedi /55
Boba Fett /50
Stormtrooper x7 /35

5H: Bespin Betrayal

Desperate to keep his city from falling under Imperial control, Lando Calrissian has no choice but to capture his old friend Han Solo…

Map: Bespin from UM: RS

Set-Up: The Rebels begin in the Visitor’s Center. The Fringers begin in the Security Station.

Special Rules: Lobot’s Reserves can only be taken from Fringe characters that have been defeated this game.

Victory Conditions: Each squad must defeat all enemy characters.

Rebel /80
Han Solo, Rogue /30
Chewbacca /24
Princess Leia /20
C-3PO /6

Fringe /78
Lando Calrissian /16
Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer /15
Ugnaught Boss /15
Cloud Car Pilot /8
Ugnaught Droid Destroyer /7
Ugnaught Tech /7
Bespin Guard x2 /10

5G: Bounty Hunters

Fleeing from the ruins of their base on Hoth, the Rebels have discovered an abandoned Imperial outpost near the Bespin system. Here, the fugitives have stopped for supplies and repairs, unaware that Lord Vader has unleashed some of the galaxy’s most notorious bounty hunters on them…

Map: Ravaged Base from AoE pack

Set-Up: The Imperial player chooses one of the Fringe or Imperial squads before the game begins. The Rebels begin outside the base. The Fringe/Imperials begin inside.

Victory Conditions: The game ends when a player scores 100 or more points.

Rebel /149
Han Solo, Rogue /30
Chewbacca, Fearless Scout /23
Wedge Antilles /22
Princess Leia /20
Rebel Pilot /10
Rebel Pilot /10
R4 Astromech Droid /8
C-3PO /6
Rebel Trooper x4 /20

Fringe A /149
IG-88, Bounty Hunter /44
4-LOM /21
Zuckuss, Bounty Hunter /34
Bossk, Bounty Hunter /25
Dengar /15
Gliding Mynock /5
Mynock /5

Fringe B /148
IG-88, Assassin Droid /43
4-LOM, Bounty Hunter /32
Zuckuss /21
Dengar, Bounty Hunter /30
Bossk /17
Mynock /5

Imperial /150
Admiral Piett /20
Imperial Security Officer /20
Stormtrooper Commander /15
Stormtrooper Officer /14
Imperial Officer /14
Star Destroyer Officer /12
Imperial Pilot /8
Imperial Navy Trooper x2/12
Stormtrooper x7 /35

5F: Jedi Training

In their search for the Milenium Falcon, Vader’s bounty hunters have tracked an X-Wing pilot who fled from Hoth to Dagobah. They’ll get more than they bargained for from this pilot though – and find assistance from a Dark Side phantom of the man who hired them…

Map: Dagobah Swamp (Mithral Mines from D&D)

Set-Up: The Imperial player chooses one of four squads before beginning. The Rebels start on the Yoda’s Hut side. The Imperials start on the Dark Force Cave side.

Special Rules: Mists of Dagobah: Attacks and Force powers are limited to a range of 12.

Victory Conditions: Each player must defeat all opposing characters.

Light Side /124
Luke Skywalker and Yoda /70
Knobby White Spider /38
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Spirit /8
R2-D2 /8

Dark Side A /123
Darth Vader /47
IG-88 /37
Gundark /22
IG-86 Assassin Droid /17

Dark Side B /122
Darth Vader /47
Dengar, Hired Killer /31
Gundark /22
Human Scoundrel /12
Corellian Pirate /10

Dark Side C /124
Darth Vader /47
Bossk, Trandoshan Hunter /29
Gundark /22
Trandoshan Elite Mercenary /17
Trandoshan Mercenary /9

Dark Side D /124
Darth Vader /47
4-LOM, Droid Mercenary /34
Gundark /22
Zuckuss /21

5E: Flight From Hoth

Cut off from her transport, Leia finds herself fleeing Echo Base with a man she had hoped never to see again, pursued by another man she had hoped never to see again…

Map: Echo Base Hangar (custom from Chris Preksta)

Set-Up: The Rebels set up in the Command Center. The Imperials set up in any Turbolift.

Victory Conditions: The Rebels must exit the map through the far Hangar door. The Rebel player scores points for characters removed from the map, but not from defeating Imperials. The Imperial player scores points for defeating Rebel characters. The game ends when there are no more Rebel characters on the map. The player with the most points wins.

Rebel /100
Han Solo of Hoth /33
Chewbacca of Hoth /22
Princess Leia, Hoth Commander /19
Rebel Pilot x2 /20
C-3PO /6

Imperial /99
Darth Vader, Imperial Commander /53
Snowtrooper with E-Web Blaster /18
Snowtrooper x4 /28

5D: Echo Base Evacuation

The last remnants of Rebel personnel must flee as Imperial snowtroopers sweep through Echo Base…

Map: Echo Base Transport (Tomb of Queen Peregrine from D&D)

Set-Up: The Rebels begin in Start Area A. The Imperials begin in Start Area B.

Victory Conditions: Any Rebel character that ends its turn in Victory Area A may be removed from the map. The Rebel player scores points for characters removed from the map, but not for defeating Imperials. The Imperial player scores points for defeating Rebel characters. The game ends when there are no more Rebel characters on the map. The player with the most points wins.

Rebel /126
K-3PO /20
2-1B /17
Rebel Troop Cart /15
General Rieekan /14
Elite Hoth Trooper /12
Gonk Power Droid /12
Medical Droid /12
R4 Astromech /8
R5 Astromech /8
R7 Astromech /8

Imperial /65
General Veers /21
Elite Snowtrooper /12
AT-AT Driver /11
Snowtrooper x3 /21

5C: Hoth Ground Assault

Debarking from their Walkers, the Imperial troops invade Echo Base under the guidance of General Veers. Luke and his friends must keep the Empire at bay long enough for the Rebel transports to escape…

Map: Hoth Ice Fields from AT-AT pack

Set-Up: The Rebels start on the Base Entrance side. The Imperials start on the opposite side.

Victory Conditions: The game ends after 10 rounds. The player with the most points at that time wins.

Rebel /165
Luke Skywalker, Hoth Pilot Unleashed /28
Wedge Antilles /22
Hoth Trooper Officer /17
Rebel Officer /13
Rebel Trooper on Tauntaun /13
Elite Hoth Trooper x3 /36
Rebel Pilot x2 /20
R2-D2 with Extended Sensor /9
Hoth Trooper /7

Imperial /165
AT-ST /54
Snowtrooper with E-Web Blaster /18
General Veers, Hologram /17
Snowtrooper Commander /14
Elite AT-AT Driver /12
Admiral Ozzel /11
AT-AT Driver /11
Snowtrooper x4 /28

5B: AT-AT Attack

The ground shakes as an Imperial Walker closes in on the shield generator…

Map: Shield Generator from AT-AT pack

Set-Up: The Rebels set up on the Shield Generator side. The AT-AT sets up with its first row of squares on the map. It cannot fire at the shield generator until it is fully on the map. The Scout Walkers set up on the AT-AT side of the map.

Victory Conditions: The game ends as soon as one player has 200 or more points. That player wins.

Rebel /345
Shield Generator /200
Luke's Snowspeeder /45
Rebel Snowspeeder /38
Golan Arms DS.9 Anti-Infantry Battery /26
Hoth Trooper w/ Repeating Blaster Cannon /21
Hoth Trooper w/ ATGAR Cannon /15

Imperial /342
AT-AT Imperial Walker /200
Blizzard Scout 1 /54
AT-ST /44
AT-ST /44

5A: Wampa Terror

While investigating a crashed meteor, Han and Luke discover an advance scouting party of Imperial troops. But something worse than snowtroopers is waiting in these caves…

Map: Ice Caves (Caves of Chaos from D&D)

Set-Up: The Rebels set up in Area B

The Imperials start in Area A.

Victory Conditions: Each player must defeat all characters in the opposing squad.

Special Terrain: Blood Rock: A character on blood rock terrain scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 against an adjacent enemy.

Power Generator: The Imperials have set up a power generator inside the caves. Treat as low objects terrain, though a character cannot end its movement in this square. Adjacent characters gain +2 Attack.

Rebel /51
Han Solo on Tauntaun /27
Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun /16
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Spirit /8

Imperial /50
Rampaging Wampa /22
Wampa /13
Probe Droid /8
Snowtrooper /7

4K: Splinter of the Mind's Eye

Crashed on the planet Mimban, Luke and Leia must face their greatest nemesis…

Map: Temple of Pomojema (Magma Keep from D&D)

Set-Up: Use the start areas indicated on the map.

Special Rules: Kaiburr crystal: When in an area marked Victory, any character with a Force rating may spend Force points to remove damage from itself or an adjacent ally. Remove 10 damage for each Force Point spent. This ability replaces attacks.

Victory Conditions: The Rebel player wins by defeating Darth Vader. The Imperial player must defeat all Rebel characters.

Rebel /98

Luke Skywalker, Legacy of the Light Side /39
C-3PO & R2-D2 /18
Yuzzem /18
Human Force Adept /10
Princess Leia, Senator /13

Imperial /100

Darth Vader, Legacy of the Force /71
(alt: Lord Vader) /(71)
Imperial Officer /14
Stormtrooper x3 /15

4J: Kashyyyk Invasion

The next two scenarios follow the heroes after the Battle of Yavin. This one is inspired by the dreaded and dreadful Holiday Special, which saw the first (animated) appearance of Boba Fett.

Life Day celebrations have been disrupted by Imperial troops looking for the renegades Han Solo and Chewbacca – and they’ve brought the imfamous bounty hunter Boba Fett to assist in their search…

Map: Treetop Village (Hellspike from D&D)

Set-Up: Wookiee characters from any faction may be used in the Rebel squad. The Rebel player starts in Area A; the Imperial player starts in Area B.

Victory Areas: A squad earns 5 bonus victory points at the end of any round in which it has at least one character in its victory area.

Victory Conditions: The Rebels win by defeating at least 100 points of Imperials. The Imperials win by defeating Han Solo and Chewbacca.

Special Terrain: Mist terrain: Areas marked as mist terrain block line of sight. A character inside a mist terrain square cannot attack or be attacked by non-adjacent enemies. Mist terrain does not provide cover.

Rebel /159

Han Solo /28
Chewbacca of Kashyyyk /25
Wookiee Elite Warrior /19
Wookiee Freedom Fighter /14
Wookiee Warrior /13
Wookiee Berserker /12
Wookiee Scoundrel /11
Wookiee Trooper /11
Wookiee Scout /10
Wookiee Commando /9
Wookiee Soldier /7

Imperial /160

Boba Fett, Mercenary /58
Wookiee Hunter AT-ST /58
Stormtrooper Officer /14
Stormtrooper x6 /30

4I: Yavin IV Retribution

The Death Star has been destroyed, but the Imperial Fleet has arrived at Yavin IV before evacuations could be complete. The Rebels must hold off a vengeful Darth Vader and legions of stormtroopers in order to escape…

Map: Massassi Temple interior and exterior (from AoE pack + custom, unfinished)

Set-Up: The Rebels start in the Command Area inside the Temple. The Imperials start in the Landing Zone outside.

Reinforcements: Each player may add 10 points of characters to his squad after the end of each round. New characters can only be drawn from defeated characters; Unique characters cannot be re-used. Points not used are lost.

Victory Conditions: The game ends when a player scores 200 points or more at the end of a round. The player with the most points wins.

Rebel /249

Luke Skywalker, Hero of Yavin /35
Han Solo /28
Chewbacca /24
Rebel Captain /21
Princess Leia, Senator /13
Wedge Antilles, Red Two /13
Rebel Vanguard /11
Rebel Honor Guard /10
Rebel Pilot x2 /20
General Dodonna /9
R2-D2 /8
R4 Astromech Droid /8
R5 Astromech Droid /8
R7 Astromech Droid /8
Elite Rebel Trooper /7
C-3PO /6
Rebel Trooper x4 /20

Imperial /248

Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter /75
Stormtrooper Commander /15
Imperial Officer /14
Stormtrooper Officer x2 /28
Shock Trooper /13
Heavy Stormtrooper x2 /24
Elite Stormtrooper /11
501st Legion Stormtrooper /10
Imperial Engineer /9
Imperial Pilot /8
Imperial Navy Trooper /6
Stormtrooper x7 /35

4H: Death Star Escape

Rescuing the Princess was the easy part. Now the heroes must make it off the station alive…

Map: Hangar Bay 327 (custom, not finished)

Set-Up: The Rebels start in the Turbolift area. The Imperials start in the Conference Room.

Victory Conditions: The Rebel player scores victory points for each Rebel that fully enters the Falcon. The Rebels don’t score points for defeating Imperial characters. The Imperial player scores points for defeating Rebel characters.

Rebel /162

Han Solo, Scoundrel /46
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Unleashed /44
Chewbacca /24
C-3PO & R2-D2 /18
Luke Skywalker, Rebel /17
Princess Leia, Senator /13

Imperial /162

Darth Vader, Unleashed /50
(alt: Darth Vader, Champion of the Sith) /(50)
Imperial Governor Tarkin /22
Stormtrooper Commander /15
Imperial Officer /14
Stormtrooper Officer /14
Death Star Gunner /11
Death Star Trooper /6
Stormtrooper x6 /30

4G: Death Star Rescue

The first draft of this one had Obi-Wan on the Rebel squad, and the Imperial droids were part of their squad. Playtesting showed it to be ridiculously unbalanced - Han's Furious Assault plus Obi-Wan's LS Sweep made for wholesale slaughteration. So now, Obi-Wan's off deactivating some other tractor beam station and the Death Star droids are merely mobile terrain.

Trapped aboard the Empire’s new superweapon, the crew of the Millenium Falcon discover a very valuable prisoner…

Map: Death Star (RS starter)

Set-Up: All Stormtroopers start in the Security Sector. All other Imperials start in either Turbolift. The Rebels start in the Flight Control Room.

Special Rules: The Rebel player may activate only one character each phase.
Add to the Mouse Droid: Diminutive (This character does not provide cover, and enemy characters may move through its space).
Noncombatants: The Imperial player sets these droids up anywhere on the map. At the end of each round, they may each be moved 6 squares. They count as low objects rather than as characters for all purposes.

Victory Conditions: The game ends when all Rebel characters have been defeated or have occupied the Detention Block for 4 rounds. The player with the most points wins.

Rebel /94

Chewbacca, Enraged Wookiee /34
Han Solo in Stormtrooper Armor /25
C-3PO & R2-D2 /18
Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Armor /17 (Luke Rebel stats)

Imperial /94

Imperial Security Officer /20
Imperial Officer /14
Stormtrooper Officer /14
Death Star Gunner /11
Grand Moff Tarkin /11
Death Star Trooper /6
Stormtrooper x3 /15
Mouse Droid /3


R4 Astromech Droid /0
R5 Astromech Droid /0
RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid /0

4F: Fight for the Falcon

Escaping the Imperial patrols, Han and his passengers find a new problem waiting in Docking Bay 94 – Jabba has arrived to seize his ship! If the Hutt wants the Falcon, he’s going to have to take it over Han’s dead body…

Map: Docking Bay 94 (custom from Chris Preksta)

Set-Up: The Rebel player starts in the Rear Entrance area. The Fringe player starts in the Main Entrance area.

Victory Conditions: The Rebel player wins by getting all characters aboard the Falcon. For each Rebel character defeated, the Rebel player must defeat 2 Fringe characters before he can win. The Fringe player wins by defeating both Han Solo and Chewbacca.

Rebel /121

Obi-Wan Kenobi /38
Han Solo /28
Chewbacca /24
Luke Skywalker, Rebel /17
R2-D2 /8
C-3PO /6

Fringe /123

Boba Fett, Enforcer /38
Jabba, Crime Lord /15
Rodian Scoundrel /14
Rodian Blaster-for-Hire /13
Greedo /12
Human Scoundrel /12
Rodian Mercenary /9
Human Blaster-for-Hire /5
Jawa /5

4E: Escape from Mos Eisley

This spaceport is a haven for gangsters and smugglers, where one can never tell friend from foe…

Map: Mos Eisley (custom, not finished)

Set-Up: Each player completes his squad by selecting 23 or 29 points of characters from his Agent Pool. Before revealing his squad, each player chooses 2 of these characters to be Agents. Before setting up their squads, each side alternately places characters from their Agent Pool on the map until all characters are placed, including their Agents. Characters are placed outside of the start zones and cannot be adjacent to a door. A character’s base color indicates whether to place it inside or outside the Cantina. Other than the Agents, these characters are neutral in all ways. Neutral characters do not activate, move, or make attacks. They cannot be targeted and count as low object terrain.

Victory Conditions: The Rebel player scores points for characters who exit the map, but not for defeating Imperial characters. The game ends when all of the Rebel characters except Agents are defeated or have exited the map. The player with the most points wins.

REBEL/IMPERIAL AGENT: Do not place this character with your squad. Place this character with the Neutral characters before set-up. Use this card to keep your Agent’s identity hidden. This character can be given ‘pass’ activations until you are ready to strike. Once this character is given a non-‘pass’ activation, its card must be turned up.

Rebel /107

Obi-Wan Kenobi /38
Han Solo /28
Chewbacca /24
Luke Skywalker, Rebel /17

Rebel Agent Pool /23

Defel Spy /14
Human Engineer /13
Duros Scoundrel /12
Gonk Power Droid /12
Human Scoundrel /12
Talz Spy /12
BoShek /11
Ithorian Commander /11
ASP-7 /10
Corellian Pirate /10
Abyssin Black Sun Thug /8
Human Scout /8
R4 Astromech Droid /8
R5 Astromech Droid /8
Chadra Fan Pickpocket /7
Duros Explorer /7
Duros Scout /7
Duros Mercenary /6
Ithorian Scout /6
Bith Musician /5 (custom Bith Rebel)
Lirin Car’n /5 (custom Bith Rebel)

Imperial /101

Gotal Imperial Assassin /21
Sandtrooper Officer /20
Shock Trooper /13
Garindan /12
Elite Sandtrooper /11 (custom Elite Stormtrooper)
Sandtrooper x3 /24

Imperial Agent Pool /29

Mercenary Commander /24
Dannik Jerriko /23
Djas Puhr /19
Trandoshan Elite Mercenary /17
Rodian Scoundrel /14
Gotal Mercenary /13
Rodian Blaster-for-Hire /13
Devaronian Bounty Hunter /12
Greedo /12
Shistavanen Pilot /12
Aqualish Spy /11
Jawa on Ronto /11
Dr. Evazan /10
Rodian Trader /10
Gotal Fringer /9
Jawa Trader /9
Ponda Baba /9
Rodian Mercenary /9
Trandoshan Mercenary /9
R7 Astromech Droid /8
Aqualish Assassin /7
Arcona Smuggler /7
Snivvan Fringer /6
Human Blaster-for-Hire /5
Jawa /5

4D: Sandcrawler Battle

Tracking the escaped droids to Jawa traders in the desert, the Imperials launch an assault on the nomads’ giant transport…

Map: Dune Sea tiles (not finished)

Set-Up: The Fringe squad places the Sandcrawler Entrance tile anywhere along its chosen map edge. This is its start area. The Imperial squad places the Crashed Pod tile anywhere along the opposite map edge. This is its start area. Each player then alternates placing two other tiles per standard tile placement rules.

Victory Conditions: The Imperial player wins by deactivating (defeating) all Fringe droids. The Fringe player wins by defeating at least 40 points of the Imperial squad.

Fringe/ 73

Jawa Scavenger /13
Gonk Power Droid /12
Jawa Scout /10
Treadwell Droid /10
Jawa Trader /9
R5 Astromech Droid /8
RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid /6
Jawa /5

Imperial /72
Sandtrooper Officer /20
Sandtrooper on Bantha/15 (Sandtrooper on Dewback stats)
Shock Trooper/13
Sandtrooper x3 /24

4C: Canyon Ambush

Not willing to give up their prey, the Tusken Raiders have chased Luke and Ben Kenobi to Beggar’s Canyon. The heroes must fight to make it out alive…

Map: Beggar’s Canyon (Mushroom Cavern from D&D)

Set-Up: Luke’s Landspeeder starts at the Canyon Entrance; the Fringe squad starts at the Rock Outcropping.

Victory Conditions: The Fringe squad must defeat Luke’s Landspeeder. Luke’s Landspeeder must exit the map through the squares marked EXIT.

Special Rules: The Fringe squad can respawn any defeated character at the beginning of the next round. During each phase, the Fringe player activates only one character. The Rebel player can pass his turn without activating, and activate during a later phase that round. NOTE: For this scenario, treat Luke’s Landspeeder as a Huge character.

Special Terrain:
Spike Stones: Spike Stones count as low object terrain. When a character enters a square that contains Spike Stones, it takes 10 damage. For Large or Huge characters, this is counted at each step of the character’s movement, not each new square entered.
Quicksand: Quicksand is treated as difficult terrain. Each times a character activates while occupying quicksand, it must make a Save 6 or take 10 damage. For Large or Huge characters, it makes one save regardless of the number of quicksand squares occupied.

Rebel /47

Luke’s Landspeeder /47 (rebased as Huge)

Fringe /49

Tusken Raider on Bantha /22
Tusken Raider Scout /11
Tusken Raider Sniper /8
Tusken Raider x2 /8

4B: Hostile Boarders

The Rebel Blockade Runner Tantive IV has been boarded by Imperial Stormtroopers, led by the dreaded Darth Vader. Princess Leia must ensure that the stolen Death Star technical plans are not recovered by Vader, or the Alliance is doomed…

Map: Tantive IV (custom, not finished)

Set-Up: The Imperials start in the Boarding Party area. The Rebels start on the Bridge.

Victory Conditions: During set-up, the Rebel player secretly designates one character as the Stolen Plans Carrier. Place a Stolen Plans token in the back of this character’s card sleeve. If the Carrier ends its turn in an Escape Pod square, the Rebels win. If the Carrier is defeated, the Empire wins.

Rebel /132

Rebel Captain /21
Rebel Heavy Trooper /11
Rebel Honor Guard /10
Rebel Pilot x2 /20
R2-D2 /8
R4 Astromech Droid /8
R7 Astromech Droid /8
Leia Organa, Senator /7
Elite Rebel Trooper /7
C-3PO /6
U-3PO /6 (copy of C-3PO)
Rebel Trooper x4 /20

Imperial /132

Darth Vader, Dark Jedi /55
Imperial Officer /14
Stormtrooper Officer /14
Imperial Engineer /9
Stormtrooper x8 /40

Star Wars: A New Hope, Episode IV, Chapter 1: Desert Incursion

Yeah, I'll do away with the overly long titles. This one came about as a way of using the Biggs mini. Played through it once, liked it.

Sandpeople from the Jundland Wastes have herded a young Krayt Dragon into town to distract the locals while they raid a storage facility. Biggs, Luke and some Rebel sympathizers want to show up the Imperial garrison by repelling the invaders themselves; the Imperials simply want to subdue the Tuskens before things get out of hand…

Map: Tatooine (Ultimate Missions)

Start Areas: The Imperials start in the Barracks; the Rebels start in the Loft. The Tuskens start along the opposite edge of the map, outside the buildings. Each player activates only one character each phase.

Victory Areas: The Storage Building is a victory area for the Fringe squad. The Fringe player scores 5 points for each round he has a character inside the building.

Victory conditions: The game ends when only one squad is left, or when a squad scores 100+ points at the end of a round. The squad with the highest points wins.

Special rules: Until all of the Fringe squad has been defeated, the Rebel and Imperial squads are neutral toward each other; they can’t target or attack characters in the other squad. They only score points for defeating characters on the Fringe squad. Once the Fringe squad has been defeated, the Rebel and Imperial squads become opposing and can score points for defeating each other.

Rebel /59

Biggs Darklighter /26
Luke Skywalker, Rebe l/17
Ithorian Commander /11
Bith Rebel /5

Imperial /59

Sandtrooper Officer /20
Sandtrooper on Dewback /15
Sandtrooper x3 /24

Fringe /109

Young Krayt Dragon /50
Tusken Raider on Bantha /22
Tusken Raider Scout /11
Massif /10
Tusken Raider Sniper /8
Tusken Raider x2 /8

Star Wars Miniatures overview

I have assembled 27 scenarios covering the Original Trilogy. These scenarios were designed initially as an intellectual exercise, following these two guidelines: They must be playable by a collector who has only one copy of each mini per set; and they must use all available versions of each character. The reason behind the first guideline is to keep me from buying hordes of cheap minis I'll never actually use, which is a mistake I made with D&D Minis. I've fudged a bit on both guidelines actually, but it's worked out nonetheless.

I've begun playtesting these, and so far the few I've played through have been pretty fun. It's more likely that if I make any changes, it will be by adjusting the victory conditions rather than the cast of each scenario.

There's one last set of minis coming out in a month, and it only has a handful of RotJ minis, so I feel comfortable calling this project complete with the proviso that it's always open to further alteration as things develop.

I'll be doing a post for each scenario, with pictures as time allows.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Goliath (Josten), with Wonder Man for scale
One of the minor changes I made is that Giants are no longer considered adjacent to characters 2 squares away. I don't know if HoT rules already fixed this or not. My Giants are only adjacent to adjacent squares, but are allowed to make close combat attacks up to 2 squares away.

Marvel Infinity Challenge

I've been wanting to get my custom superheroes rules up for a while now. Rather than post a 14 page rules book, I'm going to just detail the ways my version differs from the published WizKids game.

The most obvious is that I don't use clix bases. I translate them into stat cards. There are a number of advantages to doing it this way, which I'll demonstrate as I go. Here's a sample of the cards for the Warriors Three:

Action tokens and special tokens are placed on the cards rather than on the map. Carried characters and objects are placed on the cards. Damage is tracked by simply ticking off the Hit Points column to the left with a dry erase pen. A separate set of cards details the standard powers (in place of the PAC), each character with white powers has a card for those, and there are cards detailing traits and team abilities.

I found I no longer needed to tie team affiliation directly to team ability. I simply gave each TA a name, and listed that ability below whatever team affiliation I saw fit to assign. For example, all of the New Warriors cards read "Team: New Warriors", and below it, "Team Ability: Wildcard". The X-Teams (Gold, Blue, Factor, Force etc.) have their own different team affiliations, but almost all of them have the Sacrifice team ability.

Since the Marvel and DC Us are so vast and my resources so limited, I decided to restrict myself to one specific period in time for each universe, with only one version of each character. For Marvel, it's the early 90s starting with the X-Men relaunch; for DC, the late 90s / early 2000s up until the Crises. I thought the existing starter names fit them perfectly: Marvel Infinity Challenge and DC Hypertime. At some later point, I'll post a list of all characters for each, and which version of each character I chose.

With these limits in place, it was relatively easy to assign an 'alignment' - Hero or Villain - to each character. This affects force building, since your force must be all Heroes or all Villains. Sandman is a good example; despite being a villain most of his career, he reformed briefly and joined Silver Sable's merc group, so he's listed as a Hero. Some characters have abilities analagous to the Warband Building abilities found in D&D Minis; for example, Majestrix Lilandra is a Hero with an ability called Empress which lets you include Villains from the Imperial Guard and Shi'ar Imperium teams on her force. Balder has an ability that brings Karnilla from the Villains' side to the Heroes. Scenarios can also change around these rules as necessary.

The biggest mechanics change is the turn structure. Rather than having a given number of actions, each player has a given number of turns - one for each 100 points. Once both players have used all their turns, the round ends and all action tokens are removed. Thus every character can be given an action each round, and there's no such thing as pushing. To enable things like activation clicks and 'sweet spots' to work, every character can double-time when given a move action (Give this character a move action. Move it up to twice its Speed value. Once the move action is resolved, deal it one unavoidable damage).

I kept soaring. It's a simple and fun mechanic. However, all changes in elevation cost 2 movement; this goes for range as well. A grounded Bullseye shooting a soaring Storm simply deducts 2 from his Range value, rather than halving it. Same with shooting to or from the edge of a building.

Another big change is the Defense roll. You'll notice on the Warriors Three cards that their DVs are lower than normal. That's because when an attack occurs, both the attacker and the defender roll 2 dice. Only an attacker can crit or fumble (crit miss). The attack roll result has to beat the defense roll result for the attack to land. I made this change mostly so that the defending player can feel like he's actually doing something rather than waiting to see if he got hit or not.

I made a few other minor changes here and there, and I'm trying out some new things, like group activations for minion types. Characters with Imp/Inv go through a thin wall instead of stopping in front of it when knocked back, that type of thing.

I'll post my character lists shortly.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bone battle

Wolverine vs Marrow

Marauder mod

A mess o' Marauders

The League of Assassins

Friday, January 8, 2010

A mod and a map


The Truck Stop map in 3D