Sunday, March 14, 2010

Star Wars Miniatures overview

I have assembled 27 scenarios covering the Original Trilogy. These scenarios were designed initially as an intellectual exercise, following these two guidelines: They must be playable by a collector who has only one copy of each mini per set; and they must use all available versions of each character. The reason behind the first guideline is to keep me from buying hordes of cheap minis I'll never actually use, which is a mistake I made with D&D Minis. I've fudged a bit on both guidelines actually, but it's worked out nonetheless.

I've begun playtesting these, and so far the few I've played through have been pretty fun. It's more likely that if I make any changes, it will be by adjusting the victory conditions rather than the cast of each scenario.

There's one last set of minis coming out in a month, and it only has a handful of RotJ minis, so I feel comfortable calling this project complete with the proviso that it's always open to further alteration as things develop.

I'll be doing a post for each scenario, with pictures as time allows.

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